Using a Definition to identify Actions

You can use the isType() helper method Definitions can identify a plain Redux Action as one of its members using the method.

While would be handy for writing Reducers too, the TypedReducer class is much better suited for the job.


import { isType } from "redoodle";
import { AddMessage } from "./actions";

// assuming AddMessage is created using defineAction(), as in the section "Using Definitions":
// const AddMessage = defineAction("AddMessage")<{
//   message: string;
//   author: string;
// }>();

const action: Action = yield receiveActionFromServer();

if (isType(action, AddMessage.TYPE)) {
  // isType() is a TypeScript type guard, which narrows
  // the plain Action object into the much more explicit typing
  //    action ~> {
  //      type: "AddMessage",
  //      payload: {
  //        message: string;
  //        author: string;
  //      }
  //    }
  console.log(`${}: ${action.message}`);

TypeScript definition

function isType<T>(action: Action, type: TypedActionString<T>): action is TypedAction<T>;

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