Using TSLint as a Node.js library


npm install tslint typescript
# or
yarn add tslint typescript
Peer dependencies

The typescript package is a peer dependency of TSLint. This allows you to update the compiler independently from the linter. This also means that tslint will have to use the same version of tsc which is used to actually compile your sources.

Although the peer dependency allows installing the latest nightly releases of typescript@next, be aware that these might include breaking changes that cause the linter to malfunction.

Library usage

Please ensure that the TypeScript source files compile correctly before running the linter.


This code will need to be transpiled to JavaScript to run under Node.js.

import { Linter, Configuration } from "tslint";
import * as fs from "fs";

const fileName = "Specify input file name";
const configurationFilename = "Specify configuration file name";
const options = {
    fix: false,
    formatter: "json",
    rulesDirectory: "customRules/",
    formattersDirectory: "customFormatters/"

const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, "utf8");
const linter = new Linter(options);
const configuration = Configuration.findConfiguration(configurationFilename, fileName).results;
linter.lint(fileName, fileContents, configuration);
const result = linter.getResult();

JavaScript (ES5)

This code will run directly under Node.js, including if it’s called from the command line.

"use strict";
var tslint = require("tslint");
var fs = require("fs");
var fileName = "Specify input file name";
var configurationFilename = "Specify configuration file name";
var options = {
    fix: false,
    formatter: "json",
    rulesDirectory: "customRules/",
    formattersDirectory: "customFormatters/"
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, "utf8");
var linter = new tslint.Linter(options);
var configuration = tslint.Configuration.findConfiguration(configurationFilename, fileName).results;
linter.lint(fileName, fileContents, configuration);
var result = linter.getResult();