TSLint core formatters
Lint formatters allow for transformation of lint results into various forms before outputting to stdout or a file.
Formatters are split into two categories: human-readable and machine-readable. Please note that for machine-readable formatters formatters all positioning is zero-indexed (lines start with zero), whereas human-readable formatters are not (lines start with one).
Built-in formatters
checkstyle - Formats errors as though they were Checkstyle output. (machine-readable)
codeFrame - Framed formatter which creates a frame of error code. (human-readable)
filesList - Lists files containing lint errors. (machine-readable)
json - Formats errors as simple JSON. (machine-readable)
junit - Formats errors as though they were JUnit output. (machine-readable)
msbuild - Formats errors for consumption by msbuild. (machine-readable)
pmd - Formats errors as though they were PMD output. (machine-readable)
prose - The default formatter which outputs simple human-readable messages. (human-readable)
stylish - Human-readable formatter which creates stylish messages. (human-readable)
tap - Formats output as TAP stream. (machine-readable)
verbose - The human-readable formatter which includes the rule name in messages. (human-readable)
vso - Formats output as VSO/TFS logging commands. (machine-readable)