Rule: member-ordering

Enforces member ordering.


A consistent ordering for class members can make classes easier to read, navigate, and edit.

A common opposite practice to member-ordering is to keep related groups of classes together. Instead of creating classes with multiple separate groups, consider splitting class responsibilities apart across multiple single-responsibility classes.

Has Fixer


One argument, which is an object, must be provided. It should contain an order property. The order property should have a value of one of the following strings:

  • fields-first
  • instance-sandwich
  • statics-first

fields-first puts, in order of precedence: * fields before constructors before methods * static members before instance members * public members before protected members before private members instance-sandwich puts, in order of precedence: * fields before constructors before methods * static fields before instance fields, but static methods after instance methods * public members before protected members before private members statics-first puts, in order of precedence: * static members before instance members * public members before protected members before private members * fields before methods * instance fields before constructors before instance methods * fields before constructors before methods * public members before protected members before private members Note that these presets, despite looking similar, can have subtly different behavior due to the order in which these rules are specified. A fully expanded ordering can be found in the PRESETS constant in (You may need to check the version of the file corresponding to your version of tslint.)

Alternatively, the value for order may be an array consisting of the following strings:

  • public-static-field
  • protected-static-field
  • private-static-field
  • public-static-method
  • private-static-method
  • protected-static-method
  • public-instance-field
  • protected-instance-field
  • private-instance-field
  • public-constructor
  • protected-constructor
  • private-constructor
  • public-instance-method
  • protected-instance-method
  • private-instance-method
  • public-static-accessor
  • protected-static-accessor
  • private-static-accessor
  • public-instance-accessor
  • protected-instance-accessor
  • private-instance-accessor

You can also omit the access modifier to refer to “public-“, “protected-“, and “private-“ all at once; for example, “static-field”.

You can also make your own categories by using an object instead of a string:

    "name": "static non-private",
    "kinds": [

The ‘alphabetize’ option will enforce that members within the same category should be alphabetically sorted by name. Computed property names are sorted before others but not sorted amongst each other. Additionally getters will be sorted before setters (after alphabetization).

Config examples
"member-ordering": [true, {"order": "fields-first"}]
"member-ordering": [
    "alphabetize": true,
    "order": [
"member-ordering": [
    "order": [
        "name": "static non-private",
        "kinds": [
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "alphabetize": {
      "type": "boolean"
    "order": {
      "oneOf": [
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string",
            "enum": [
          "maxLength": 13
  "additionalProperties": false