Contributing to AtlasDB

Contributing Code

Follow the steps provided in Running from Source. We are happy to accept pull requests and could use help implementing the AtlasDB API for more underlying physical stores.

In order to ensure your pull request is merged please keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure checkstyle/findbugs pass. You can run this automatically at commit time by setting up a git hook using the script located at scripts/

  • Assign a member of the team for review, if it is incorrect it will be triaged to the correct person.

  • Update the Changelog with the change if it is public facing.

  • If you are updating logic the expectation is that new tests will be added for the functionality, a lack of testing will likely delay the PR.

Contributing Docs

The easiest way to contribute to docs is to edit them directly on GitHub using the link above:

  1. On GitHub you will see the .rst file rendered and can edit it directly in your browser and preview the changes!

  2. After making your edits you can submit a PR below the editor. Please construct a simple commit message highlighting your changes and create a branch name preferably with the pattern docs/*.

If you would like to build the docs locally follow these steps:

  1. Clone the git repository:git clone; cd atlasdb.

  2. Install sphinx, sphinx_rtd_theme, and recommonmark if you don’t have it. Instructions can be found here. The easiest option for Mac users will be using pip. Please be sure to update sphinx if you haven’t used it in a while. Also please be aware the exact commands to build the docs can be found in scripts/circle-ci/

  3. Confirm you installation is working by running cd docs && make html. The freshly built documentation will be in docs/build/html.

  4. Existing pages can be found in docs/source. Create new pages by adding an .rst file to docs/source and then adding the file name to the appropriate .toctree in the parent file.

  5. Commit any changes to a docs/* branch and push them up to github for review.

You can generate and view the docs locally by running make html and opening the built html files in docs/build/html/ in your browser of choice.

The docs are built using Sphinx and written in .rst.