Getting Started

Running from Source

  1. Clone the git repository: git clone; cd atlasdb.

  2. Generate IDE configuration: ./gradlew eclipse or ./gradlew idea.

  3. Import projects into Eclipse/Intellij.

There are some examples of how to write queries in the github examples directory.

Running Tests Locally

Running atlas tests requires docker and docker-compose to be installed on the machine where they are running. Instructions for different operating systems can be found here

Instructions for MacOS

Mac users will need to install docker-machine and a virtualization environment as well to be able to run docker. Virtualbox is used in this example. Simplified set-up instructions are as follows:

  1. Install docker-machine, docker and docker-compose

    brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose
  2. Set up a docker-machine for Virtualbox (named atlas in the example, name can be chosen freely by the user)

    docker-machine create atlas --driver virtualbox
  3. Set up the environment:

    eval $(docker-machine env atlas)

    These environment variables need to always be set before running the tests through gradle, or set manually as environment variables for the launch configurations in any IDE.

Depending on Published Artifacts

AtlasDB is hosted on Maven Central. To include in a gradle project:

  1. Add Maven Central to your repository list:

    repositories {
  2. Add the atlasdb-client dependency to projects using AtlasDB:

    dependencies {
        compile 'com.palantir.atlasdb:atlasdb-client:0.3.3'