Background Sweep Inner Workings and LogsΒΆ
At a high level, the background sweep thread works as follows:
- Select a table to sweep;
- Read a batch of values from the table;
- Determine which values from the batch can be deleted;
- Delete the sweepable values from the table;
- If the table still has values, go to step 2.
- If the table has no new values, go to step 1.
In order to know if sweep is working, or its current progress, look for the following:
Starting background sweeper.
Logged when the service has started, to indicate that background sweeper thread is running.
Beginning iteration of sweep for table {} starting at row {}
Logged before we begin an iteration of sweep, after 1 or 5. (note that this could be triggered by background sweep, the sweep CLI, or the SweeperService
Analyzed {number of values read} cell+timestamp pairs from table {table name} ...
Logged when a batch of values has been successfully swept, after 4. Its parameters also contain the number of (cell + ts) pairs read and deleted on this batch.
Finished sweeping table {table name}. ...
Logged when a table has been successfully swept, after 6. Its parameters also contain the number of (cell + ts) pairs read and deleted when sweeping this table.