AtlasDB Sweep Endpoints


Sweeps can be resource-intensive (especially if batching parameters are generous and/or cells have very large values). The sweep endpoints don’t currently support cancellation, so to stop a running sweep you will need to bounce your service. This is likely to be acceptable if your service is deployed in an HA configuration, but be careful when using the sweep endpoint in non-HA configurations.

If you ever need to force a particular table to be swept immediately, you can run sweep by making a POST request to the /sweep/sweep-table endpoint. Sweep runs initiated via the endpoint are configurable via standard HTTP query parameters.

Parameter Name Description Required/Optional
tablename Fully qualified name of table to be swept (inclusive of namespace; e.g. namespace.actualTableName). Required
startRow Base16 encoded row where Sweep will start sweeping from. Optional (default: empty - i.e. first row of table)
fullSweep Whether to sweep a full table. If set to false, we will sweep just one batch. Optional (default: true)
maxCellTsPairsToExamine Total number of cell-timestamp pairs to examine before a batch completes. Note that Sweep may actually read more than this value if that is required to complete reading all cell-timestamp pairs in a given row. Optional (default: 128)*
candidateBatchSize Number of cell-timestamp pairs to query the key value service for at a time. Optional (default: 128)*
deleteBatchSize Number of cell-timestamp pairs to delete from the key-value service at a time. Note that Sweep may attempt slightly larger deletes than this value, but it is guaranteed that it does not exceed twice this. Optional (default: 128)*

* Note the the sweep config might be lower if previous sweep runs have failed.


If using curl from a shell to hit the sweep endpoint, please remember to escape ampersands and/or quote the URL provided to curl; otherwise, the ampersand will end the command and run curl in the background with the first parameter provided, disregarding all other parameters.

A correct query could look like this. If the URL was not quoted, this would sweep the table from the beginning.

$ curl -k -XPOST 'https://palantir:9999/sweep/sweep-table?'

Using the sweep endpoints to manually kick off sweep will not update the Background Sweeper’s sweep priority table. This will publish some metrics (such as the number of cell-timestamp pairs examined and deleted), but not all (in particular, sweep outcome metrics are not published).