Dynamic Columns


This document discusses AtlasDB’s dynamic columns. This is a separate concept from Cassandra’s dynamic columns; in fact, AtlasDB’s schemas in Cassandra always use two Cassandra dynamic columns, independent of whether we are storing a fixed-columns or dynamic columns table! Throughout this document, where “dynamic columns” is used unqualified, we refer to AtlasDB dynamic columns.


AtlasDB offers support for dynamic columns - in tables where these are enabled, rows that can have an arbitrary number of columns, each with a (typed) column name. A table with dynamic columns may be reasoned about as a Map<RowKey, SortedMap<Tuple<Col1, Col2... ColN>, Value>>. It may also be thought of as a collection of key-value pairs within a row. For example, a simple schema using dynamic columns may be defined as follows:

schema.addTableDefinition("todo", new TableDefinition() {{
                rowComponent("person", ValueType.STRING);
                columnComponent("taskSize", ValueType.VAR_LONG);
                columnComponent("monetaryCost", ValueType.VAR_LONG);

Note that dynamic column components must be primitive ValueTypes which support partitioning and ordering. Also, key-value pairs in an individual row will be returned in lexicographically sorted order of the key.

We call the person the row key, the (taskSize, monetaryCost) pair the dynamic column key, and the string (which is intended to be a description of the todo) the value.

Query Capabilities

Dynamic Columns are useful for avoiding row range scans, especially in key-value services where these are expensive (like Cassandra - its caching optimisations are rendered ineffectual for row range scans). Furthermore, when considering whether a query without row range scans will be performant, it is worth considering how each row is laid out in the database. Generally, queries for column ranges that are contiguous are more efficient, though there are exceptions to this rule (such as query 4).

Dynamic Column Key

Dynamic Column Value

(1, 3000)

“Buy a bitcoin”

(2, 0)

“Review pull request”

(2, 1)

“Get coffee”

(3, 0)

“Write docs for dynamic columns”

(3, 6)

“Get lunch”

(5, -1)

“Complete online survey”

(5, 0)

“Resolve merge conflicts”

(6, 10)

“Take a train out of the city”

(7, 2)

“Do laundry”

(7, 7)

“Visit the supermarket”

(7, 42)

“Watch a musical”

For example, for the schema defined above:

  1. “Find John’s smallest and cheapest todo” can be answered very efficiently. Elements are stored in sorted order, so the very first key-value pair retrieved from the database is actually the correct answer to this query.

  2. “Find all of Tom’s todos with size up to M, limited to N results” is easy, as this can be processed with a natural stopping point, as in query 1, and we are iterating in the right order for this query. This can be achieved using the getRowsColumnRange API.

  3. “Find all of Tom’s todos with size of 10 to 15, limit to N results” can be performed via a range scan on the dynamic column key. This is also readily supported, and does not require a row range scan.

  4. “Find all of Tom’s largest todos” is somewhat more difficult, as reverse range scans aren’t supported by the dynamic columns API. If we were more interested in largest todos as opposed to smallest, we could set the ValueByteOrder of the taskSize column component to decreasing.

  5. “Find all of Tom’s todos which cost less than 5” will be less efficient. We need to retrieve the entire row to do this, because the map is sorted by task size and then monetary cost. If queries on cost are more common than queries on size, flipping the order of the column components could help.

  6. “Find all of Tom’s todos which have size between 3 and 7, and cost between 5 and 10”. We have to visit column ranges in contiguous order, so if we write a single query we need to scan from (3, 5) to (7, 10 + 1). However, this range also includes values we are not interested in (any values with size 4-6 that don’t fit in the cost range, and also costly size 3 tasks and cheap size 7 tasks). We can postfilter them out, but we still need to scan through them.

  7. “Find all of Nathan’s todos that begin with the letter N”. Prefix / range scans are not supported on values, so this requires us to scan through the entire row.

  8. “Find all of John’s and Jeremy’s smallest todos” is easy - this is doing the query “find a person’s smallest todos” twice. To answer that query, we can scan through the person’s tasks until we find one with a larger size than the others we have seen so far. At that point, we know we have seen all the smallest tasks (because it is in sorted order).

  9. “Find the smallest todos for everyone whose name begins with J” is NOT easy. While this conceivably can be split into two parts (a row prefix scan for J, and then the aforementioned getRowsColumnRange), the range scan for J is potentially costly, as it needs to iterate through every todo for people whose names do indeed begin with J.

Notice, though, that all of the queries apart from 9 can be answered without a row range scan.

Using Dynamic Columns


One can use the standard put method. This can be used to add one or more columns to a row.

TodoTable todoTable = TodoSchemaTableFactory.of().getTodoTable(tx);

        TodoTable.TodoColumnValue.of(TodoTable.TodoColumn.of(size1, cost1), description1),
        TodoTable.TodoColumnValue.of(TodoTable.TodoColumn.of(size2, cost2), description2));

Note that if the table already consists of a value for a given row key and dynamic column key, then this put will logically overwrite the existing value.


Typically, one should use getRowsColumnRange. This takes a collection of rows and column key ranges, and returns a map of row-keys to BatchingVisitables of column values. These may in turn be traversed using the BatchingVisitable API. For example, the code below is an implementation of query 1 for an arbitrary String person:

TodoTable todoTable = TodoSchemaTableFactory.of().getTodoTable(tx);
Map<TodoTable.TodoRow, BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue>> results =
                        PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, // Empty byte arrays mean unbounded.
                        1)); // The batch hint is 1, because we are only interested in the first result.

AtomicReference<Todo> element = new AtomicReference<>();
BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue> visitable = Iterables.getOnlyElement(results.values());
        1, // We can consider batches of 1 element at a time, because we are only interested in the first element.
        item -> {
            return false; // Do not want any more, since we know our first batch contains the one.
return element.get();


One can also use the getRowsMultimap method to retrieve a multimap of rows to column values. However, note that this method will call the underlying transaction’s getRows method, which eagerly loads the entire row into memory!

Data Representation (Cassandra)

A row with dynamic columns is stored as a single Cassandra-level row. Recall the Atlas schema:

CREATE TABLE atlasete.default__todo (
    key blob,
    column1 blob,
    column2 bigint,
    value blob,
    PRIMARY KEY (key, column1, column2)

key consists of the (encoded) row key; column1 refers to the (encoded) column components, and column2 refers to the Atlas timestamp at which a write occurred. The clustering order of the table follows the ValueByteOrder of the relevant column components.

Conversely, observe that in a conventional (fixed columns) AtlasDB table, column1 identifies which column is being encoded in the value.

When Not To Use Dynamic Columns

Using (Atlas) dynamic columns creates wide rows in Cassandra, because every dynamic column key and value are stored with the same row key. This may add limits to the scalability of the data, because all data for a single row key will be stored on a single machine in the cluster.

Generally, we recommend that row sizes are kept in the tens of MBs at most, and also below one million dynamic column keys.

Appendix: Sample Query Implementations

We present possible implementations of some of the queries (or generalisations of them) described above. Note that an implementation of query 1 has been included in the “Retrieval” section.

Query 3 (Size Lower to Upper, Limit N)

Assume the existence of variables lower and upper (inclusive bounds for the size range; 10 and 15 in the sample query), person (the person to run the query for) and limit (the maximum number of records we want to return).

TodoTable todoTable = TodoSchemaTableFactory.of().getTodoTable(tx);

// Note that a column range selection is a start-inclusive end-exclusive range, so using (upper, Long.MAX_VALUE)
// as the end of the column selection is incorrect, because it excludes that specific dynamic column key.
BatchColumnRangeSelection selection = BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(
        TodoTable.TodoColumn.of(lower, Long.MIN_VALUE).persistToBytes(),
        TodoTable.TodoColumn.of(upper + 1, Long.MIN_VALUE).persistToBytes(),

Map<TodoTable.TodoRow, BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue>> results =
        todoTable.getRowsColumnRange(ImmutableList.of(TodoTable.TodoRow.of(person)), selection);

List<Todo> result = Lists.newArrayList();
BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue> visitable = Iterables.getOnlyElement(results.values());
visitable.batchAccept(limit, item -> {
    item.forEach(columnValue -> result.add(ImmutableTodo.of(columnValue.getValue())));
    return result.size() < limit;
return result.subList(0, limit); // The batch hint may not always be respected exactly.

Query 6 (Size lowerSize to upperSize, Cost lowerCost to upperCost)

Assume the existence of variables lowerSize, upperSize, lowerCost and upperCost which are inclusive bounds for the size and cost ranges respectively. We also assume the existence of person (the person to run the query for).

TodoTable todoTable = TodoSchemaTableFactory.of().getTodoTable(tx);
Map<TodoTable.TodoRow, BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue>> results =
                        TodoTable.TodoColumn.of(lowerSize, lowerCost).persistToBytes(),
                        TodoTable.TodoColumn.of(upperSize, upperCost + 1).persistToBytes(), // end is exclusive

List<Todo> result = Lists.newArrayList();
BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue> visitable = Iterables.getOnlyElement(results.values());
visitable.batchAccept(100, item -> {
    item.forEach(columnValue -> {
        // needed to ignore values with an intermediate size that are not in the cost range
        if (columnValue.getColumnName().getMonetaryCost() >= lowerCost &&
                columnValue.getColumnName().getMonetaryCost() <= upperCost) {
    return true;
return result;

Query 8 (Smallest for Multiple Row Keys)

Assume the existence of a Set of Strings, personSet. This corresponds to person identifiers.

Map<String, List<Todo>> results = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
Map<String, Long> smallestSizes = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
TodoTable todoTable = TodoSchemaTableFactory.of().getTodoTable(tx);
Map<TodoTable.TodoRow, BatchingVisitable<TodoTable.TodoColumnValue>> visitables =
                // This MUST be unbounded because each person could have a different size of smallest task
                        100)); // Magic number; it's hard to prescribe a one-size-fits-all value here.

visitables.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
    String person = entry.getKey().getPerson();
    results.put(person, Lists.newArrayList());
    entry.getValue().batchAccept(100, columnValues -> {
        if (columnValues.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        // Triggers on the first batch.
        if (!smallestSize.containsKey(person)) {
            // This suffices, even if the first batch has multiple task sizes, because dynamic columns are
            // returned in sorted order.
            smallestSize.put(person, columnValues.get(0).getColumnName().getTaskSize());

        long smallestSize = smallestSizes.get(person);
                .filter(columnValue -> columnValue.getColumnName().getTaskSize() == smallestSize)
                .forEach(columnValue -> results.get(person).add(ImmutableTodo.of(columnValue.getValue())));

        // If the last entry doesn't have the smallest size, we must have covered all of the smallest todos
        // in this batch. This works, because dynamic columns are returned in sorted order.
        return columnValues.get(columnValues.size() - 1).getColumnName().getTaskSize() == smallest;
return results;