DB KVS Shared Configuration


Please read the documentation for configuration of the specific flavour of DbKVS (Oracle or Postgres) that you are using as well. This document discusses concepts that are shared across the relational key-value-service configurations that we support.



Changing the namespace of an individual service, or explicitly specifying the namespace of a service that previously did not have namespace overrides without taking suitable mitigating measures may result in SEVERE DATA CORRUPTION! Please contact the AtlasDB team before attempting such a migration.

Namespaces are a mechanism by which an AtlasDB application using a relational KVS may identify itself to TimeLock. This can be useful in situations where a DB instance is shared between services. This should be a unique value per user service, and must not be changed without a migration.

By default, this is determined by the connection configuration. In Oracle this is determined from either the sid or the serviceNameConfiguration; in Postgres, this is determined from the dbName. However, in cases where a single application needs to be responsible for multiple AtlasDB instances connecting to the same Oracle instance under the same user, setting namespace accordingly allows for interactions with TimeLock to be handled properly.